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technical manuals, documents and instruction The Management Development Institute, TMDI


Features and Benefits


TMDI's Managers' Toolbox is an innovative leadership and management development course designed and trialled by TMDI several years ago, but the full launch of which was thwarted by two years of Covid-19 lockdowns.

'Pocket-MBA'. Conceived as a 'pocket-MBA' - is a vehicle which can be customised to the needs of individual businesses - which delivers a unique' package of key 'team-oriented' leadership and management skills.

Leadership development. Is designed to deliver a contemporary program of management learning, with an emphasis on leadership development, plus the key areas of team development.

Accelerated delivery.   Is delivered in accelerated mode, requiring eight single days of workshop attendance, each two weeks apart, enabling the whole course to be completed within just over three months instead of more like a year. 

Self-contained resources. Is packaged in self-contained, custom designed resource folders to accompany the key readings, which together encompass all of the required reading.  These resources provide the pre-reading for each workshop, which focus on applying the key concepts and issues to real world situations, including each learner's own workplace. 

Offered regularly. Is offered regularly, with three commencements planned per year, but on demand for corporate clients.

Major project. Participants undertake a major project based which is embedded in each unit and can be related to their own workplace, which will help them develop a holistic appreciation of management as key integrating function, in a realistic context. 

Individual and group work. Employs both individual and group work throughout the program, including problem solving, decision-making, and both individual and group presentations, which will form the basis of the assessment tasks.

Eligibility.   Was designed for working adults with a minimum of six years industry experience, including  three years of supervisory or managerial experience, (half that for graduates and diplomates) and requires a 'managerial' level of English literacy, general numeracy and practical computer/Internet literacy. 

Motivated learners. Is designed for motivated learners who already hold supervisory or managerial positions, or are preparing to assume such roles.  This background will provide them with a 'real world' framework for the application of the contemporary managerial issues to which they will be exposed, which they can apply to their workplaces.

Preparation for further study. It's delivery focus is the development of individual learning skills, relevant to undertaking further management studies after completing the program.

Measurable improvements. Will measurably develop the knowledge and skills managers need to effectively lead their teams and to produce the performance outcomes demanded by their CEOs and general managers. 

Further details are outlined in the accompanying pages:

*        Overview  

*        Toolbox dates and venues 

*        Toolbox outline and commitment 



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